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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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to the. russian foreign minister as they say members of their ranch in the conflict or the arab world about a meeting with his french counterparts are still criticized for sending weapons to the libyan rebels saying the fate of the u.n. resolution allows it to be twisted in the sense of. these countries easy piece of cake rich and does all you and me have more than one hundred million dollars because it's a broad told we have to shoot skeet that's. targeted by nato and wanted out there hey colonel gadhafi song reveals his theory on why libya is
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a war and an exclusive interview with r.t. . greece's g.v. e.u. sounds a brit's promise bailed out of the parliament to freeze deep spending cuts out of state and set some of this by days of violent protests. a very warm welcome to see this is our see live from the russian capital moscow has raised concerns over from supplying weapons to libyan rebels and they've ambiguous interpretations of the un security council resolution on libya foreign minister sergei lavrov has also once again said the sides in the syrian conflict should resolve their differences through dialogue only our correspondent italian overcover is out the foreign minister for us. libya was the key issue discussed during
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a meeting between two foreign ministers that's holding france's deployment of arms to libya france admitted it air drops guns in order to help civilians protect themselves and according to french foreign minister when it comes to protection of civilians all measures are justified they claim that u.n. security council's resolution allows them to do so why should believes it isn't it is unacceptable that it violates arms embargo to libya and so bush and foreign minister has said even though two ministers two countries have similar views on the libya's future that has to be peaceful and democratic states that's a u.n. security council resolution can be easily misinterpreted. resolution nine hundred seventy three contains chapter four which allows anyone to do anything this very chance it was the cause of our problems with the mandate and all other aspects we support it and as we have warned now we're facing rather unpleasant situations when it can be interpreted in most different ways i think most here in paris and other
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u.n. security council members are interested for the body to release concise documents to the international law does not need to put up with ambiguity meanwhile representatives of the african union have already spoken out about this saying that they are afraid of proliferation they fear that those guns make ends up in the hands of terrorists and that's going to be a threat to the entire region russia's envoy to nato has said at a press conference in moscow that he fears that an on ground operation is just around the corner and that operation is only going to prolong this conflict and worse and situation in the whole region in general meanwhile when it comes to syria that's a foreign ministers are not quite on the scene fades regarding that uprising moscow's dance firm against a u.n. security council resolution to which syria while france has been going on the council to take action moscow believes that only the political solution. all of
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this crisis is possible and harnessed a lot of the opposition in syria to sit down with the saudi government and. its. duma foreign relations committee head cause of the eagles a chance told me the wall of the french may find a legal loophole along the rebels the i.c.c. is making a peaceful resolution to the conflict less planking. misters appeared this morning when i talked to him was absolutely confident that the. delivery so for weapons to the rival rebels in libya. because this resolution did not exclude any developments in the future for the simple reasons nato has rather few chances to succeed to leave in case the current curation is not developed into the ground based upon the region
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so i do not exclude anything but for now there are no official confirmation for the regime of mr qaddafi has lost its legacy and he has to resign. i hope that the international community and specifically the international criminal court will stop creating additional obstacles for me said mr treadwell for two to resign i hope that we will be able to coordinate our efforts and to try to convince mr gadhafi to go to leave his. leadership in the country and probably stay somewhere within the country is special guarantees from the opposition that his security and deceive will be. possibilities for there are still there but for there to be need to have more
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united international community which is definitely not the case for. investment journalists where it's happened he's in the libyan capital says russia needs to take counsel measures outweigh any actions of coalition forces that. the nato operation is already flagrantly illegal because of the way they're they're they're violating let me put it this way lucian violates the charter and nato is violating the resolution they got to see blockade go in here nato air power is used to protect armed gangs packed full of al qaeda and other terrorists and it's used to attack civilians i've seen homes here where four or five little children essentially preschool kids were killed in the middle of the night. by aircraft and forty thousand feet that is a very cowardly way to wage war so we're in the midst now of international and certainly countries like russia would be very well advised to do something urgently to try to restore the rule of international law and that would mean. more energetic
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measures against what the united states britain and france are doing. well with the war in libya the focal point of international relations artie's came down access to kind of. native tripoli star power islamic countries once it's pretty rich is the people working fighting to make sure libya doesn't fall under foreign control. the day i was swimming and fishing because very heart of what we went to the beach really saw we are in our country. fighting for our country living with our people who feel we did our country that we would if we die we go to heaven and they destroyed our house in the middle of. every small house surrounded by many houses people are living there is a small school next to them in one thousand four sides because my brother.
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here on c.b.s. had nothing to do with the war with politics he was sitting in germany because of the war he came back to libya he was there simply because. we born a command and control center and because of that with a kitchen living room small house isn't even your example for my family let alone many other examples one week ago we had a house of a friend of my father in the whole family. the wife pregnant. two young girls. again we are hitting a military site. the president wife. the control and commanding the libyan troops. will there. be
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had one target this country is a piece of cake rich and of gaz oil and we have more than one hundred billion dollars because it's abroad so we have to share this cake that it need to provide. america with the principal some of the sport because the hungry and tired they want to share the cake. slake for them levy is like fast food like mcdonald's past because evolution passed fast for airplanes fast bullets cost victory but. because we are in our country so hunting will be here so we're very patient if your goal is that the goal is to control libya. is going to leave you this is the target. and the videos will not allow them to do that. so the five
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hundred you. where you can watch our full legs cusa going to be with candidates out and around twenty minutes time if you don't want to write something. so download it right now coming up shortly here on r.t. . or tax dollars are being used to incentivize criminals to manufacture terror plots and f.b.i. sting operation put three men behind bars for a proper case is life threatening government tactics in the war on terror. dozens of militants reportedly crossed into russia's north caucasus from across the border patrol with common sense russian officials were one of the long going terror surge in the country that's the latest now from peter on the. t.v. what do we know about the militants and what are they hoping to achieve in this
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well we've been hearing reports quoting sources inside the russian security services that say between fifty and seventy armed militants have crossed between georgia into from georgia i beg your pardon into the russian republic of dagestan though it's believed that one of that group had been captured and interrogated by security personnel revealing that the militants had been trained in the pankisi gorge area of georgia by and by the by arabs being trained in the explosives as well as firearms now the punk easy gorge area has become something of a hub for terrorist training since it the georgian army stopped patrolling that particular part of the border crossing now it's the ideal site for militants wanting to get into dagestan from georgia very poorest border due to the mountainous terrain that exists there very easy for that group. tight to sleep no notice through the mountains and instead just down. the russian security forces how
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can stack not anti terror athletes in the us holocaust is already making any real headway that well the caucuses are essentially russia's frontline in their war on terror now just last week we we saw a major operation took place two. that eliminated the senior terrorist leader in any of the capital of dagestan much below no operational ongoing there and the security forces have so far this year killed two hundred militants in two hundred plus militants in arms bustles in knots area it's not just august on this goes across the whole of the area we're looking at the a chechnya and dagestan now at the end of may look at the end of may this year we saw a major hole for the security forces there they they captured a massive amount of alms in munitions as well as what they say were seven very
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large bombs around two hundred kilograms of t.n.t. each day always those bombs were kept just from militants so it's unknown whether this group that a party may have crossed into the country other to try and replenish those resources that have been captured over the past few months well the the means to to stick though coming from the authorities is that terror attacks across russia thirty five percent and the first half of this year. those include of course the the devastating suicide bombing on the. right here in moscow which killed almost forty people. pay anything for the day that was all of our life for us from moscow . the greek prime minister has urged the european union see release a further wave of bailout funds which the debt ridden country urgently needs to avoid defaulting in july tala five cash is approved
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a package of radical tax increases and spending cuts are triggered three days of massive protests and as arctic air a first reports. the highest bidder also fighting the flames of public anger. greece is not for sale the message from a serious public as plans to sell off many greek assets pushes ahead quick so incredibly proud of their heritage many people feel that the privatization proposals basically stepping grace for the public. for grabs for lenders banks water companies and train operators a month and many more that's taking a large telecommunications company eighty there's also the sale with. has been a continuous crime for the past twenty years they've sold off our company piece by piece and now we only own a small percentage but a small stake is extremely important to the greek people but they want to sell even
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that. is a huge turn for the present governments who were heavily opposed to the sale of eighty shares when they were acting as opposition. called a national crime when the previous government sold shit as you know they want to do the soon sell the shares now at a low price we don't think we'll see investment or any development to you we think the only thing others will care about is profit profit profit. he continues calls from the public to refuse the aggressive privatization proposals set forth by the troika seemingly gone and heard. from the european union is there a members we would. blackmail against the greek government critics of our banking and bailouts acting out of self-interest keeping profits private it's just the last is to say she lies the thing you hear is not like greeks have to stretch
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back into deep history to figure this out we can look at latin american we can look at countries all over the world where the i.m.f. has come in and sacrificed and plundered the nation for corporate consolidation and the prime minister happened to a stake of avoiding the country's collapse at all cost and many are now asking just how high a price he's willing to pay someone dies there's something very tragic occurred that's going to be a catalyst for i think a fall of this government the e.u. has stated fairly there's no plan b. the a stereo he measures being enacted but his theory builds on the streets might be tiny thought of one. r.t. athens. want to learn from the u.s. space trends research institute says your thirty nations to rescue the banks and the parents. you could sum up what's killed capitalism in four simple words too big to fail and that's what's going on the
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banks are failing and they want the people to bail them out because they after all they don't like to take a hit these big guys so they call it austerity measures and privatization the i.m.f. is nothing more than the international mafia federation they had a loan sharks of last resort and the people know it they call it privatization adults call it stealing valuable public assets and selling it to your friends were really cheated the politicians only represent the people that give the most amount of money so that people know that so they're it's going to continue to be it's all go of war and the greek people know that if you don't stand up they're going to blow you down when you get really hungry you're going to see the riots continue to escalate because what are these so called the sterett he measures what do they really bring all they bring
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a lot more poverty oh they bring old whorish g d p o they bring more unemployment so the politicians are doing nothing more than the bidding for those that pay them more. and we have more stories to you on line just log on. access to fresh updates p.d.f. and much more he's. also a correspondent is reporting from one of the them from this freedom for the seller which is that sale to the. schools online for you to see he's blind deaf and it's with laser pens will soon face time in jail for the life threatening crime. three men convicted of trying to blow up synagogues in new york have been sentenced to twenty five years. the terms are hunted down by the federal judge involved in the case that missing the crime was provided by the government. or not i report this thing strategy has ordinary
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americans. for nearly a decade the us has waged a widespread global war on terror it's required multitasking military effort overseas on the domestic front u.s. officials have decided to double down recently announcing counterterrorism plans that we focus resources on combat homegrown plots this is the first co-chair of the strategy that focuses on the ability of al qaeda and its that work to inspire people in the united states to attack us from within yet in countless so called f.b.i. sting operations f.b.i. operative provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile the inspiration to attack america has come from a government paid informant working to orchestrate the plan a tactic critics say exercised in a new york case doug new birth for. the suspects poor illiterate african-american
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muslims were presented as the faces of homegrown terrorism and subsequently found guilty of conspiring and attempting terrorist attacks against the u.s. no direction way of foreign entity or group instead direction came from she has seen a pakistani immigrant on the f.b.i. payroll reportedly paid one hundred thousand dollars for his services according to court testimony hussein recruited the cash strapped former convicts by offering cards and cash to carry out the operation for individuals that. usual use here is the branch. of military or. uber yet not one defendant had a passport or license but what the government had was an agent provocateur. sure who testified in court as a key witness a guilty verdict for all four mcclellan's islamic relatives the same day
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a new counterterrorism strategy was touted the new group for worst sentenced to twenty five years in prison a tearful and angered crowd of supporters gathered outside manhattan's federal courthouse who was a government accountable trying on your own american citizens people as born right here on american soil this is a day of shame. a miscarriage of justice and we will keep fighting back the government should not be allowed to travel snake plains and see the full force of the. quake and do to the victims and soon twenty five. f.b.i. informants have reportedly been used in dozens of so-called for oil plots since nine eleven critics say hundreds of americans are languishing behind bars for fake terror attacks planted and grown by the u.s. government our tax dollars are being used to incentivize criminals to you for sure terror plots like that they catch other people up in i can't see how that in
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any way benefits the country music can pick anybody off in new york city or course the united states can make a play but you have to be very careful very aware of who you speak to who you are around because you have many f.b.i. agents you have many informants that are out there that they are using the u.s. federal judge said our way just government behavioral was after size and that he's in new york for expressing doubt that convicts could have or would have planted it's happened without the f.b.i. informant however the specific charges against the man require a mandatory minimum sentence of twenty five years in prison prosecutors say they manufactured what would have been of home law so what's happened if carried out and quote the fact that it. speak doesn't matter. or not artsy. some of the stories from around the world now of the sexual assault case against
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dominique from. the brink of collapse police admit credibility issues with his and led to the hotel maid you claim to have been raped by the former i.m.f. chief in may was reported to have lied repeatedly journey investigation that's according to u.s. media sources count faces seven charges including attempted rape and is currently under house arrest in new york strenuously denied all allegations he's due in court later today wale applied to have his bail conditions. hugo chavez is undergoing life saving surgery to remove the fifty six year old venezuelan premier has made his first t.v. appearance since treatment in cuba three weeks ago speaking of his condition called his recovery slow and careful but said he expects to make a full recovery government officials later confirmed the venezuela will continue with this reform program despite chavez's health. italian
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police have arrested a math here but also in this is silly in the town of corleone made famous by the gulf of the movie trilogy. faces charges of extortion and criminal association the seventy nine year old inherited the role from his brother toto serving multiple life sentences for a series of killings. a crowd of thousands along with government officials have gathered in central beijing to mark the communist party's ninetieth birthday the president as he's devoted to the largest political party in the world took several years to plan speaking at a ground ceremony president hu jintao and the party members that shouldn't cost the supporters the chinese people. but we do you value your opinion here at all if you go on twelve sides. r.t. dot com and take part in our latest poll and today we're asking why did communist china succeed where solve it russia failed also for the most popular response is
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that russia was too hasty to embrace capitalism in a close second with twenty eight percent of the vote i thought would be said that china is a dictatorship and less popular response was that it's because china. all sponsors satellite regimes and finally because it has a lot more hardworking people the. response is just ahead now more headlines and our exclusive interview with colonel gadhafi son all that they are to the business with you. hello and a very warm welcome to the business bulletin here on our team britain has introduced a new anti bribe or a little covering overseas operations of companies doing business in the u.k. it makes little difference from large international firms already comply with title legislation in the united states small companies from emerging economies like
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russia are likely to be affected most but former head of anti-corruption up the u.k. serious fraud office explains how the middle works. the law says that any company that carries on a business or even part of a business in the u.k. can be subject to the new corporate offense the bribery it is only one part of a long list of obligations that companies have internationally so if a company's activities in russia put it in conflict with those obligations well that company will have to sit back and think whether or not it can do business in russia and that really isn't where russia wants to be you want to be able to say that russia is a great place to do business the key here is that in order to remove an impediment to inward investment russia would need really need to tackle any domestic corruption first before it goes off to the fore in public officials and if it can do that then i think companies will have much more confidence in investing in the
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country. and russia is continuing to ease european vegetables back onto its domestic market purchase from spain and not have been given the green light from russia's public health what stop a ban on all vegetables from the e.u. was put in place a month ago after an equal i'll break three days ago russia began lifting the buy and resumed personal imports from holland and belgium. and a much longer ban has also been lifted this time russia's yield on ban on grain exports the embargo was imposed to avoid domestic shortages with devastated one third of the country's crops by the world prices to rise to their highest level of the two years but optimistic harvest forecasts of russia to return to the global grain market russians are as good harvest up to nineteen million tons of grain this year that's fifty percent of last year on the exchanges we just creating at around six hundred thirteen dollars a bushel. so now have
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a look at the markets here stocks opened strongly on friday after a natural gauge of manufacturing into. exceeded expectations and european stocks are higher the stopping the suits the index for the second day bank shares are opportunists who percent offer soaring my point seven percent on thursday as markets have a thumbs up to father cost cutting measures. for them and. pushing markets. you need one point six percent on the my side says broken that you hundred mark this hour gaining two percent how whether some energy majors are in the rightful owner property or prices let's now have a quick check on some of the individual share moves here russia not just oil companies or snow it is in the red cross telecom is trading nearly one percent are just six percent increase in the cuts from that profit but some of the giants net profit rose to around three hundred seventy million dollars driven by high sales
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out of pouring strange bucking the trend as burbank under four percent help why reports it's beginning trading in london and frankfurt. that's your business up three for the sound more involved for five minutes so stay with us for that.


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